You can have all of the tools and plans in place but still not take a step of faith to make things happen. I put faith in God three and half years ago when I left my comfortable career of 15 years to stay home with my daughter. I knew then, as I do now, that if this is where God wants me to be he will bless my efforts. Faith is not just saying you believe or trust, faith is the actions you take. My pastor at our church gave a sermon that expressed so well how to live by faith and take down those giants we all face in our lives.

He told us the familiar story of David and Goliath. Even when everyone was telling David he couldn't beat Goliath he acted on his faith that God was with him. He beat Goliath, with a single stone and a sling...and his faith.

The giants in our lives can be many different things. For me there was the issue of debt and whether we could live on one income enabling me to be a stay at home mom.

Here are 5 steps that my pastor, Brett Rickey, shared with us on how to live a "thrill ride" through faith and facing our giants.

  • Stay alert to the taunts of the enemy. Most people are willing to watch life pass them by and take the abuse from the giants.
  • Stay away from people who give in to the enemy. When you are around others who fear things or think things are impossible they will make you forget about God and having faith in Him.
  • Stand firm and believe God. Confront your enemy in God's name. Remember your past victories...remember what God has done for you!
  • Step out when you have heard enough! Don't listen to what the giants say: "You can't get out of debt!" "You can't live on one income!"
  • Step up and let it fly! Act on faith, don't be a victim of life. God uses little things to defeat big enemies. Just be yourself. Use what you have. Don't wait and don't quit!
Praying alone is not enough. Pick up a rock and make something happen!


A solid foundation in marriage benefits families in so many ways. We can focus on being the best mom and wife we can be and our kids can have the peace and security they need as well.

Will your marriage or family reach a point where no more effort is needed? Probably not, we all have room to learn, grow and improve. I will always be a lifetime student...learning how to constantly transform and improve my marriage and my role as a mom are areas worth learning about.

I wanted to share some resources that can make a positive impact. Don't underestimate the power of prayer and your Bible as a first source to turn to, these are some additional ones to consider:

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