I have used my skills to work part time from home in the real estate business...I was a realtor but transitioned in to administrative roles that many of us possess the skills to succeed. Regardless of the housing market, houses are bought and sold...agents need assistance and many of them prefer the contract / part time help a stay at home mom can offer since they only pay for what you do as opposed to paying someone to sit in an office and surf the net for most of the day! Many of us know at least one realtor and that one person can help you get your foot in the door with at least one agent that is looking for some part time virtual assistant help. Here are some tasks you can do:
- Check voicemail remotely and return phone calls
- Schedule appointments
- Organize files
- Receive and send faxes
- Take photographs of listings
- Complete forms / contracts
Make a list of what you like to do and what skills you are good at.
Now, think of how your skills can fill a need for someone.
Take action...pick up the phone or send an e-mail, network with someone that can get you one step closer to you making money from home on your schedule!