Friday, January 22, 2010

Five Question Friday

January 22, 2010

I am joining Mama M. at Five Crooked Halos for Five Question Friday!

Join along and let's get to know one another by answering today's questions:

1. What is better, growing old with out money or dying young and wealthy?
2. Who takes out the garbage at your house?
3. Have you ever had the same dream many times?
4. Can you play a musical instrument?
5. If you owned your own store, what would you sell?

Here I go:

1. What is better, growing old with out money or dying young and wealthy?

Definitely growing old without money! I pray daily that God blesses me with being here for my little girl and allowing me to see her grow up, get married to a Godly husband and have little ones of her own.

2. Who takes out the garbage at your house?

Well...I take it halfway! I get it out of the can and tied so hubby can take it to the can outside...what is that not halfway?

3. Have you ever had the same dream many times?

Yes! I think it is related to me feeling out of control or disorganized because I am driving down the same road and I look out the car window to the field on the side of the road and see multiple tornados coming towards me!

4. Can you play a musical instrument?

No, but I have been trying to play the guitar my daughter got for Christmas!

5. If you owned your own store, what would you sell?

Bags! Totally cute bags of all sizes, shapes and colors!

1 comment:

  1. Oooooh, a bag store!!! That would be fun! And...I have tornado dreams too! Freaky stuff!


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